[Mailman-Users] Limited posting
arandall at auntminnie.com
Tue Oct 2 20:39:44 CEST 2001
Greg Ward wrote:
> On 02 October 2001, Amanda said:
> > Quick and dirty answer - you could set your Reply-To to some other
> > location.
> Not quite -- a correctly-configured auto-responder (apparently they do
> exist) will reply to the envelope sender, or the address in the "From"
> or "Sender" headers if it doesn't know the envelope sender. Any
> auto-responder that replies to "Reply-to" should be taken out and shot.
Heheh ... perhaps, perhaps not, but we all know that standards differ from
reality. :-) All I can say is, setting the reply-to to a different
destination mailbox has cut down on our bilge from autoresponders and the
like by 99%.
> (Uh-oh: aren't you the one who gently scolded me yesterday for being a
> bit abrasive? I'd better tone down this "harsh justice on the Internet
> frontier" rhetoric... ;-)
Oh, puh. =) I scolded you for leaping on a poor defenseless lost clueless
person. As long as you're not the witch eating Hansel and Gretel, I'm your
friend. Really. ::grin:: Hey, sometimes my job bleeds over into my life -
one of my most important functions is to be my users' knight in shining
armor, you know, to defend the weak from the strong, champion the poor,
uphold the righteous, etc., or however that goes. *Someone* has to
represent the needs of the unwashed to dev and ops, after all. :-) Sorry if
I landed on you harder than was warranted...
::Is it still Monday? It still feels like Monday...::
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