[Mailman-Users] a question

Linda M. Oakes 7ravensongs at home.com
Thu Oct 4 20:29:38 CEST 2001

Hi, there . . .

I'm a desktop publisher / website creator with little programming
experience, using Windows 98.

I am also a founder - director of a worker co-operative.  I want to set up a
non-commercial discussion list for co-ops worldwide. We are currently using
a distribution list set up on my service provider, but it doesn't allow for
archiving, or for people to subscribe / unsubscribe themselves.

I've been looking on the 'net, but the freeware I've found seems to be
mostly written for Unix or some other O/S, and requires more programming
ability than I have. I was looking at Mailman because it mentioned being
usable via a website page, and I have my own site, where it would be easy to
add a page, but I think Mailman is too techie for me (and I work in Windows)
and am wondering if you know of freeware software that would suit me.

Thanks for at least considering this. If it would take too much time to
answer, please just reply with a note to that effect.



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