[Mailman-Users] is there any way to have Mailman NOT to send out monthly membership reminder?
Ashley M. Kirchner
ashley at pcraft.com
Fri Oct 12 06:45:10 CEST 2001
Dan Mick wrote:
> It's not, eh?
> Then what do you call this, in crontab.in?
> # 5 AM on the first of each month, mail out password reminders.
> 0 5 1 * * /usr/local/bin/python -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/mailpasswds
> "RTFM" indeed! Which M did you have in mind?
THAT, is for *every single* list on the server. Each and every list
has its OWN flag to turn ON or OFF the monthly reminders. Read The FINE
H | "Life is the art of drawing without an eraser." - John Gardner
Ashley M. Kirchner <mailto:ashley at pcraft.com> . 303.442.6410 x130
Director of Internet Operations / SysAdmin . 800.441.3873 x130
Photo Craft Laboratories, Inc. . 3550 Arapahoe Ave, #6
http://www.pcraft.com ..... . . . Boulder, CO 80303, U.S.A.
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