[Mailman-Users] Is there a limit

Mike Avery mavery at mail.otherwhen.com
Wed Oct 17 19:10:20 CEST 2001

On 15 Oct 2001 at 17:36, miket at scitechsoft.com 

> Is there a limit how many names can be on a list.  Does it slow 
> down if a list gets too big.  
> This only happens trying to get to the admin page.  I can still get to
> the subscribe info.  It opens at /info not on /admin. I am
> experiencing a problem with only one of my lists.  It happens to be
> the largest list.  All of the other lists open fine and work
> correctly.

 I don't have the 200,000 user lists that Jon 
mentioned, my largest list is a bit over 3,000.  However, 
I did have some problems at first.  One issue is that my 
previous list server didn't do anything with bounces - 
and neither did my moderators - so bad addresses were 
accumulating in the lists.  As Mailman deals with the bad 
addresses, less and less time is wasted on them, and the 
whole mess speeds up.

I had been using SendMail... converting to Postfix also 
helped.  And cleaning up some local DNS problems also 

>From what I've seen and read here, and my own 
experiences, cleaning up the environment and the list 
makes life a lot easier for Mailman.

Mike Avery                            
MAvery at mail.otherwhen.com
                                    Voice: (970)-642-0282 (home)
                                         (970)-642-0244 (office)
                                             FAX: (970)-642-0282
                                                   ICQ: 16241692
                                             AOL IM: MAvery81230

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