[Mailman-Users] Old Question, New Twist
arandall at auntminnie.com
Thu Oct 25 17:18:28 CEST 2001
RPMs under Drake, in my experience, are evile. I have gotten precisely one RPM for
Mandrake 8 to install correctly on my system. Not using RPMs was the lesson I
learned right after how to find downloaded files (imagine, webbing all these
years, and the first thing I do in Mandrake is lose a download). The lesson I
learned immediately after "don't trust RPMs" is how to tweak and compile stuff
myself. :-)
happy tweaking,
Greg Ward wrote:
> On 25 October 2001, David Pierron said:
> > I am new to Linux, Sendmail, and Mailman (uh-oh)
> I hope you haven't killed too many brain cells struggling with Sendmail.
> Switch to a modern, comprehensible, high-performance, well-documented
> MTA like Exim or Postfix before it's too late! (If performance is of
> paramount concern, it sounds like Postfix has the edge; I like Exim
> because of it's high configurability, excellent docs, and friendly
> community.) (qmail is also good, but a bit of an oddball.)
> > My problem is the age old:
> > Failure to exec script. WANTED gid 99, GOT gid 12. (Reconfigure to take 12?)
> > 554 5.3.0 unknown mailer error 2
> The usual answer to this problem is: reconfigure and rebuild Mailman.
> That means you need to build it from source, not install from an RPM.
> If all the RPMs are using are from Mandrake, then their Mailman RPM is
> broken. You should complain to Mandrake. In the meantime, build
> Mailman yourself and revel in the total control that process gives you.
> ;-)
> Greg
> --
> Greg Ward - software developer gward at mems-exchange.org
> MEMS Exchange http://www.mems-exchange.org
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