[Mailman-Users] Not sending mail...

Will Nordmeyer will at willspc.net
Sun Sep 9 18:37:32 CEST 2001

I think if I get THIS fixed, I JUST MIGHT have mailman up & running.  So
PLEASE. if anyone can help.  I would be soooo grateful.    
I'm on my Cobalt RAQ3.
Sendmail V8.9.3.
Mailman V2.0.6
mm_wrapper is a link in the /usr/adm/sm.bin directory pointing over to
When I send mail to mytest-admin, here's what appears in the maillog.
Sep  9 12:23:51 raq sendmail[19675]: MAA19675: 
from=admin, size=55, class=0, pri=30055, nrcpts=1, 
msgid=<200109091623.MAA19675 at raq.willspc.net>, 
relay=admin at localhost
Sep  9 12:23:52 raq sendmail[19677]: MAA19675: 
to="|mm_wrapper mailowner mytest", 
delay=00:00:01, xdelay=00:00:01, mailer=prog, stat=Sent
That seems to queue the message up. then at the next minute, I get the
following.  I assume it is the translation message going from mailman's
mail processing routine forwarding it to the real list owner's address.
But it doesn't work.
Sep  9 12:24:01 raq sendmail[19703]: MAA19703: 
size=0, class=0, pri=0, nrcpts=0, proto=ESMTP, relay=localhost
I don't understand what the problem is.  The mail never gets delivered
to where it is supposed to.  What's my stupid mistake. I know it's mine.
I admit it. I just don't know what it is. or how to fix it. :-)
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