Ben Burnett benwa at ocentrix.com
Wed Sep 26 02:33:58 CEST 2001

On Tuesday 25 September 2001 05:24 pm, Paul Cox wrote:
> On Monday, Sep 24, 2001, Eric Pretorious wrote:
> > I've just spent most of an entire evening trying to understand where
> > Mailman (i.e., the scripts that build Mailman - configure & make - and
> > Mailman itself) gets its identity from. I'm attempting to install Mailman
> > on the host charlie. charlie is the web host for pretorious.net and
> > funkymonkeybutt.com. A reverse-DNS lookup of charlie's IP address
> > will return pretorious.net. Mailman will only be accessible via
> > www.funkymonkey.com (once I get it installed and configured correctly).
> Why don't you just edit mm_cfg.py to contain the hostname that you want?
> It's easy... here's the relevant part of mine:

This will only affect new lists as they are created.  If you wan't to change 
lists that already exist you'll need to log into the web interface for your 
list (if you can!) and change the value for the option:

	"Base URL for Mailman web interface. The URL must end in a
	single "/". See also the details for an important warning when
	changing this value."

(the last option on the General Options page)

if you have issues with the address that the lists are sending out in their 
emails then you need to change the value for the option"
	"Host name this list prefers."

(second to last option)

if you don't like these two methods you could always do some bin/withlist 
black magic.

- Ben

ps. Mailman 2.0.6 is assumed since it wasn't specified.

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