[Mailman-Users] Posts not showing up on new install

Kristin Wright kwright at cs.berkeley.edu
Wed Apr 24 07:04:16 CEST 2002

I have just installed 2.0.9 on linux 7.2. I can create lists, receive mail about creating the lists, and get confirmation messages in response to subscribing. Posts, however, are failing:
    - When I reply to the confirmation message sent to me as a new user, I still don't show up in the 
      list of users 
    - When I post to the list, no post shows up. 

Here's a summary of what I have done (basically followed the INSTALL instructions + configured sendmail.cf
so I could at least send mail):
    - check_perms reports all ok
    - configured the web server (seems to get access scripts/icons okay -- can't tell yet about archives)
    - did the 'crontab crontab.in' in /home/mailman 
    - added appropriate aliases (from output of newlist) to /etc/aliases; ran newaliases
    - put a feature into sendmail.cf hoping that I could at least send mail (maybe I did this wrong -- whatever
        i did did clear out the qfiles dir and stopped the errors from being logged, htough)



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