[Mailman-Users] Missing footer

G. Armour Van Horn vanhorn at whidbey.com
Sat Aug 17 21:04:21 CEST 2002

I'm using Mailman 2.0.12 with the almost-2.0.13 patch. I have a new list that I
created a couple of days ago, and the messages from the list do not have the footer
on them. The information in the last part of the "Regular-member (non-digest)
Options" page matches at least two other lists that are getting this information
displayed on messages. Is there some other place where this is controlled?

Also, the archives are a mess, looking just like the source of the MIME messages
that were sent to the list. My other archives on the same machine look great with
occasional MIME nonsense. Is this an abberation, or is it that all the members of
this list are using substandard mail clients? (It is possible that every other
member of this one list, other than myself, is using Outlook installed with all the
default settings.)


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