[Mailman-Users] mailmanctl won't start on new install

Steve Hanson shanson at cruiskeen.com
Tue Dec 3 21:28:04 CET 2002

Hi -
I've been struggling with getting Mailman 2.1b5 running on a new 
installation.  So far everything looks pretty good - I've built 
an RPM of it (since we do all our installs from RPM's on 
production servers) and things look okay, but I cannot get the 
qrunner to start.  I've set up the /etc/init.d/mailman script, 
but starting it results consistently in the output attached. 
I'm a complete novice at python and don't understand how to fix this

Redhat 7.2
Python 2.2.2
Mailman 2.1b5

Can anyone hand out a clue to me?

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