[Mailman-Users] Bug in /usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py ??

Odhiambo Washington wash at wananchi.com
Fri Jul 26 19:43:48 CEST 2002

Okay, since noone responded to this, I am sending it again, this
time calling it a small bug (typo, maybe):

This is about htdig intergration;

The error from nightly_htdig cron:

Subject: Cron <mailman at ns2> /usr/local/bin/python2.2 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/nightly_htdig

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/mailman/cron/nightly_htdig", line 52, in ?
    from Mailman.Archiver import HyperArch
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py", line 855
    "htdig_extras" = mm_cfg.HTDIG_EXTRAS,
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Maybe :g/"htdig_extras" = mm_cfg.HTDIG_EXTRAS/s//"htdig_extras":mm_cfg.HTDIG_EXTRAS/g

does the trick??

I've done that and I await the error 2morrow ;-)

       - wash 
 Odhiambo Washington, wash at wananchi.com	. WANANCHI ONLINE LTD (Nairobi, KE)
 http://ns2.wananchi.com/~wash/		. 1ere Etage, Loita Hse, Loita St.,
 GSM: (254) 722 743 223			. # 10286, 00100 NAIROBI
"Oh My God! They killed init! You Bastards!"  
						 --from a /. post

``That Ariel Sharon. Boy, he sure is controversial.
  Most Western countries would have to have a military coup
  before they enjoyed a leader of that caliber.'' (Sydney Webb)

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