[Mailman-Users] Setting users password from command line

Jon Carnes jonc at haht.com
Mon Mar 11 16:12:25 CET 2002

You could create one user and then use ~mailman/bin/clone_member to create
each of the other users of a mailing list.  That way they will all start off
with the same password....

Other than that, your best bet would be to modify the add_members script so
that it lets you specify a password for each user.

Jon Carnes
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Keightley" <Michael.Keightley at quadstone.com>
To: <mailman-users at python.org>
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 6:06 AM
Subject: [Mailman-Users] Setting users password from command line

> We are hoping to migrate our mailing lists over to Mailman in the near
> To do this we will need to add all users in our current mailing lists
using the
> add_members command.  Is there anyway to set a password with this, rather
> one being generated randomly?  We want to allocate a password initially to
> users so when we migrate to mailman a user doesn't have 20 passwords for
the 20
> mailing lists they might currently be on.
> Michael
> --
> Michael Keightley <Michael.Keightley at quadstone.com>    Tel: +44 131 220
> Systems Manager, Quadstone Limited,                    Fax: +44 131 220
> 16 Chester Street, Edinburgh EH3 7RA, Scotland
> ------------------------------------------------------
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