[Mailman-Users] AOL people in mail list

Jon Carnes jonc at haht.com
Thu Mar 14 23:37:22 CET 2002

Sheer speculation and hearsay, but AOL may be doing their best to eliminate
the spam that clogs their networks.  Thus, they could be limiting the number
of AOL users that you can have in the envelope of the message.  Three would
be a bit low, but... To test this bit of hearsay, you can toggle a few bits
on your server.

Edit ~mailman/Mailman/mm_cft.py  and set:
# Ceiling on the number of recipients that can be specified in a single SMTP
# transaction.  Set to 0 to submit the entire recipient list in one
# transaction.  Only used with the SMTPDirect DELIVERY_MODULE.

Then send a test and see what precipitates!

Jon Carnes
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lehuta, Dan" <LEHUTD at dshs.wa.gov>
To: <mailman-users at python.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 6:43 PM
Subject: [Mailman-Users] AOL people in mail list

> My mail list contains 3 members with AOL addresses.  Recently they are
> coming back with "excessive bouncing" and their e-mail deliveries get
> disabled.  Can you explain or help?
> Dan Lehuta
> Applications and Database Development Mgr.
> 360-725-1806
> 360-586-0615 (FAX)
> lehutd at dshs.wa.gov
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