[Mailman-Users] Another new user looking for help

Detlef Neubauer detlef.neubauer at charite.de
Thu May 2 10:43:17 CEST 2002

Tonie <nospam at rhianwen.com> writes:

> I've managed to get Mailman 2.0.10 installed, and it looks like
> everything's okay except for one problem - which cgi handles the
> creation of new lists, and where does it show what aliases should be
> put into the /etc/aliases file?  I looked for a cgi called "create",
> but it is missing.  The list admin cgi's seem to be working fine.
> When I used newlist to create a list, the aliases weren't given.

Build a shell script!

Example that's works fine for me. It's in german, but i think you can
read this.

,----[ neueliste ]
| #!/bin/sh
| if test "$#" -ne 3; then
|     echo "Wie soll die neue Liste heissen?"
|     read LISTENNAME
|     if test -z "$LISTENNAME"; then
|         echo "Bitte einen Listennamen angeben!"
|         exit 1
|     else
|         echo "Wie lautet die Mailadresse des Listenadmin?"
|         read LISTENADMIN
|         if test -z "$LISTENADMIN"; then
|             echo "Bitte die Mailadresse des Listenadmins angeben!"
|             exit 1
|         else
|             echo "Bitte geben Sie ein Passwort ein!"
|             read PASSWORT
|             if test -z "$PASSWORT"; then
|                 echo "Bitte ein Passwort eingeben!"
|                 exit 1
|             else
|                 newlist -o /etc/aliases.mailman "$LISTENNAME" "$LISTENADMIN" "$PASSWORT"
|                 sudo /usr/bin/newaliases
|             fi
|         fi
|     fi
| else
|     newlist -o /etc/aliases.mailman "$LISTENNAME" "$LISTENADMIN" "$PASSWORT"
|     sudo /usr/bin/newaliases
| fi

My MTA is Postfix with

,----[ postconf -n ]
| alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases, hash:/etc/aliases.mailman
| alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases, hash:/etc/aliases.mailman
| ...


,----[ ls -l /etc/aliases.mailman ]
| -rw-rw-r--    1 root     mailman     12832 Mar 27 16:42 /etc/aliases.mailman


,----[ /etc/sudoers ]
| mailman mailman=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/newaliases

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Detlef Neubauer

.oO GnuPG Key auf http://www.keyserver.net/ Oo.

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