[Mailman-Users] Sendmail Performance with mailman
Bueschel, Eric W RWBAHC DIN-PACS
Eric.Bueschel at CEN.AMEDD.ARMY.MIL
Mon May 6 17:18:31 CEST 2002
Thanks for the answer. By default in Slackware, the sendmail queue was
running every 15 minutes, so I set it to 2 minutes. That seems to have sped
it up quite a bit. Now if I could just solve the DNS problem without
running Bind locally...........
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Graham TerMarsch [mailto:graham at howlingfrog.com]
> Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 1:27 PM
> To: Bueschel, Eric W RWBAHC DIN-PACS
> Cc: mailman-users at python.org
> Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Sendmail Performance with mailman
> On May 3, 2002 12:18 pm, Bueschel, Eric W RWBAHC DIN-PACS wrote:
> > As of today, I am no longer getting failures in the smtp-error logs,
> > however it seems that incoming messages are parsed to mailman, then
> > queued for 10 to 40 minutes where they just wait. No errors, no
> > timeouts, they just wait. Here is a sample from the sendmail output:
> [.....snip.....]
> From having used Mailman+Sendmail together for quite some
> time, I'd wager a
> guess that the behaviour that you're seeing is related to the
> way that
> you've got Sendmail configured.
> If you're using "-ODeliveryMode=defer", then what you're
> telling Sendmail
> is to just queue the message up for later delivery and _NOT_
> to attempt to
> send it right now. When Sendmail comes along later and does
> a queue run,
> it'll find the msg, and whisk it off on its way. When you're
> using the
> box as a relay or for local mail, you're not connecting to it on port
> 1313, so its not using the "deferred" delivery mode.
> Feel free to reply off-list if you'd like to go into greater
> detail on
> this. I know that Chuq here has used Sendmail for some time
> now, and I
> used it for a list I work with up to ~250k subscribers. At
> that point we
> switched the machine over to Postfix as I couldn't get
> Sendmail to send
> the msgs out fast enough, even with all the tunes and tweaks
> that we had
> in place. Not to say that Sendmail can't handle that kind of
> load, it
> just couldn't handle it on the hardware that we had available at that
> time; on the same hardware Postfix gave us better performance for our
> lists.
> Don't take me wrong, though, I do like Sendmail, and have
> used it for many
> years quite successfully; for _really_large_ lists, though, I
> found it
> easier to tune things with Postfix. If you'd like extra
> assistance in
> getting your Sendmail install tuned properly for your list,
> do feel free
> to drop me a note off-list and I'd be happy to help out.
> --
> Graham TerMarsch
> Howling Frog Internet Development, Inc. http://www.howlingfrog.com
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