[Mailman-Users] Sendmail Performance with mailman

Bueschel, Eric W RWBAHC DIN-PACS Eric.Bueschel at CEN.AMEDD.ARMY.MIL
Mon May 6 19:55:46 CEST 2002

Yah, I have done that.  Decent performance gain.  However I still have to
use DNS for sendmail itself (don't want an open relay), and I can't run Bind
on the box locally so I guess I just have to live with it.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ron Jarrell [mailto:jarrell at vt.edu]
> Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 8:41 AM
> To: Bueschel, Eric W RWBAHC DIN-PACS
> Subject: RE: [Mailman-Users] Sendmail Performance with mailman
> At 10:18 AM 5/6/02 -0500, Bueschel, Eric W RWBAHC DIN-PACS wrote:
> >Thanks for the answer.  By default in Slackware, the 
> sendmail queue was running every 15 minutes, so I set it to 2 
> minutes.  That seems to have sped it up quite a bit.  Now if 
> I could just solve the DNS problem without running Bind 
> locally...........
> >
> >Eric 
> Didn't see the original problem, but if you're having issues 
> with the synchronous dns validation slowing you down, there 
> are ways to fix that, if you're willing to monkey with the 
> config files.  In my .mc file I have
> FEATURE(no_default_msa)dnl
> Then, later down, 
> DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=587,Name=MSA,M=E,Addr=,Listen=32')dnl
> Then at the bottom
> SLocal_check_rcpt
> # If it's coming out of port 587, let it through
> R$*     $:      $&{daemon_port}
> R587    $#OK
> SLocal_check_mail
> # If it's coming out of port 587, let it through
> R$*     $:      $&{daemon_port}
> R587    $#OK
> Then change your SMTP setting in mailman to talk to 
> port 587.
> That does "live" delivery.  If you're willing to accept the 
> delay from deferral, you can just start a second daemon on 
> the command line:
> /usr/sbin/sendmail -bd -ODeliveryMode=defer 
> -ODaemonPortOptions=Name=MSA,Port=587,M=E,Addr=
> (Or any other port number you want, really.  587 is just the 
> standard MSA port).
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