[Mailman-Users] sendmail failing causing Mailman to go haywire

Richard F. Man richard at imagecraft.com
Fri Nov 8 22:31:50 CET 2002

OK, I found out that my problem is not a mail loop, but that when sending 
out digests, somehow sendmail fails, and cause Mailman to try to resend the 
digest forever. Mailman is 2.0.9, does anyone know how to get the version 
of sendmail?

Here's the excerpt from Mailman's error log:
Nov 08 13:20:05 2002 (21869) Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/home/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/HandlerAPI.py", line 82, in do_pipeline
     func(mlist, msg, msgdata)
   File "/home/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/Sendmail.py", line 86, in process
IOError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe

I did a
         mail -s "test" $(/home/mailman/bin/list_members -d <list>)
to send out a test msg to the digest members and that seem to be fine.

One potential problem is that for NORMAL posting, one of the list members' 
company recently mucked up their mail delivery and one would get this back 
when posting to the list:
From: TZO Mailer [mailto:mailer at tzo.com]
Sent: 8. november 2002 15:44
To: <XXXX>
Subject: Delivery failure to "'icc-avr at imagecraft.com'"
<icc-avr at imagecraft.com>

Delivery was attempted, but failed because:
554 <icc-avr at imagecraft.com>: Recipient address rejected: Relay access

Original Message:

TZForward: <XXXX>
Received: from by saf.tzo.com
         id 2002110806440965687 for <XXXX>
         Fri, 08 Nov 2002 11:44:09 GMT
Received: from dragonsgate.imagecraft.com (209-128-106-110.BAYAREA.NET
         by postman.bayarea.net (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id DAA52937;
         Fri, 8 Nov 2002 03:39:55 -0800 (PST)
         (envelope-from icc-avr-admin at imagecraft.com)
Received: (from mailman at localhost)
         by dragonsgate.imagecraft.com (8.11.6/8.11.6/SuSE Linux 0.5) id
         Fri, 8 Nov 2002 04:40:03 -0800

I contacted them and they say they will look into the problem. However, can 
a normal user's email problem caused problems for digest mailing?

Thanks for any advice you may have

// richard <http://www.imagecraft.com> 
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