[Mailman-Users] Eliminating access to the web interface/unsubscribing

John Buttery john at io.com
Wed Nov 20 18:02:17 CET 2002

* Don Becker <don at adelphi.edu> [2002-11-20 10:10:40 -0500]:
> I have a perfect happy Mailman installation that handles several mailing
> lists.  Recently, my boss came to me to ask if I knew of a way to set up a
> mailing list under Mailman where the users cannot unsubscribe.  Presumably
> all membership management would be handled by the list admin via the web
> interface.

  The only situations where the inability to unsub would be acceptable,
as far as I can see, are situations where the list admin has some kind
of authorization to force the list members to be subscribed.  So
therefore, wouldn't it make sense that the consequences of breaking the
rule of said authorization be the only restriction you'd need?

  To put it in English, "Unsubscribe from this staff list and you're
fired."  :p 

 John Buttery
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