[Mailman-Users] Mailman- not responding to subscription confirmation

Jon Carnes jonc at nc.rr.com
Fri Oct 18 23:37:49 CEST 2002

See what interfaces Sendmail is listening on, 
   netstat -na |grep tcp |grep ":25 "

If sendmail is not listening on all your interfaces (and especially then it may not be able to respond to the SMTP delivery that
Mailman is trying to make.
If that is the case then you will have to edit your /etc/sendmail.cf
file and remove the line that is limiting which interfaces that Sendmail
responds to.

I suspect however, that your real problem is with smrsh.  Check your
Sendmail logs and see if they have any errors.  Look for the time that
you tried to send a message to one of your mailing lists.  

Good Luck

Jon Carnes
On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 09:03, Arshad Khan wrote:
> Hi there all,
> I have setup Mailman on a redhat 7.3 running sendmail and pop3 server. Sendmail is configured with the default settings from redhat, My problem is that Mailman sends welcome response but doesnot respond to subscription confirmation requests and as well as it doesnot send any mail to a particular domain.
> Does anyone have any clue how I can sort out this problem. In regards to sendmail, it allows RELAY from local host by default.
> Arshad

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