[Mailman-Users] Need help on email headers

mailman at tux.org mailman at tux.org
Thu Oct 24 22:26:47 CEST 2002

On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, Terence wrote:

> I see some redundant links on the email headers, listed below:
> List-Help: <mailto:be-request at sourcevisions.net?subject=help>
> List-Post: <mailto:be at sourcevisions.net>
> List-Subscribe: <http://sourcevisions.net:81/mailman/listinfo/be>,
>         <mailto:be-request at sourcevisions.net?subject=subscribe>
> List-Id: Basic Essence Mailing List <be.sourcevisions.net>
> List-Unsubscribe: <http://sourcevisions.net:81/mailman/listinfo/be>,
>         <mailto:be-request at sourcevisions.net?subject=unsubscribe>
> List-Archive: <http://sourcevisions.net:81/pipermail/be/>
> Is there any way to remove those above while only maintaining the
> List-Id?. Those lines are extras since we can follow the link below
> to configure our options

The purpose of these header fields can be found in RFC 2369.  As noted
in the abstract of that document, the idea is to provide a formal way
to present that information, so that end-user e-mail software can grab
the info and present buttons, menu itmes, icons, or whathaveyou to the
user for quick access to the associate actions.

Thus, from a standards point-of-view, it is the footer lines that are
redundant, not the List-* headers.

But, since making use of the List-* headers directly is not yet a
widely adopted feature of e-mail software, having the footer lines in
the message still serves a purpose.

If the List-* header fields -really- bother you, you can modify Mailman
or pass the messages through a filter that strips out the List-* headers
that you don't want, or some similar strategy.

- Andrew

  Mailman Administrator   -   http://www.tux.org/mailman/listinfo/

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