[Mailman-Users] Question about language of the admin interface

Sven Dittmar dittmar at rus.uni-stuttgart.de
Thu Apr 3 09:30:05 CEST 2003

Hi there,

we upgraded to mailman-2.1.1 recently. We want to have the whole site 
speaking German. I change the variable DEFAULT_SERVER_LANGUAGE to 'de' 
and disabled the "US" in the webfrontend.

Mailman is speaking German now, but only on the login and general list 
information pages. Inside the admin interface everything is still in 

Found a hint in the mailman doc of "Command line scripts":

     Use this to add language support to a specific list. The site 
itself must have the language pack to add already installed. Note that 
removing language support from a list requires you to manually rm the 
lists/yourlist/lang subdirectory.

My bin directory only contains
add_members     check_perms     dumpdb          list_admins 
mmsitepass      remove_members  update
arch            cleanarch       find_member     list_lists      newlist 
         rmlist          version
b4b5-archfix    clone_member    fix_url.py      list_members    paths.py 
        sync_members    withlist
change_pw       config_list     genaliases      list_owners 
paths.pyc       transcheck
check_db        convert.py      inject          mailmanctl      qrunner 

A "find . -name addlang" even find nothing in the src tree.

What am I doing wrong? How can I get the admin interface speaking a 
different language?


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