[Mailman-Users] Moving existing archive into NNTP server

Scott C. Villinski scott at villinski.com
Wed Dec 10 00:26:23 CET 2003

I've been playing with the Mail<->News gateway, and it works great.  I 
have migrated from an old list to Mailman - so I have an existing .mbox 
file.  Is there an command I can run to dump this into my news group 
I've setup?  Sort of like the catchup feature - but the reverse?  Have 
the news server catchup with the mailman archives.  I've done some 
searches, read the faq, etc, and can't seem to find an answer.  I 
thought the "Rename List" FAQ item.  It helped with generating the HTML 
for the archive - but not for moving my existing archive to my NNTP server.



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