[Mailman-Users] mailman 2.1: lotsa language options problems...

Chuq Von Rospach chuqui at plaidworks.com
Tue Feb 4 06:48:05 CET 2003

>     CVR> it boiled down to problems with some of the language codecs,
>     CVR> the multi-byte languages. So evidently that isn't really
>     CVR> fixed on OS X, but I'll deal with that later.
> I bet you're still having problems building Python extension modules
> (i.e. C modules) on OSX.

I'm sure I am. I'll look at that when I can.

Chuq Von Rospach, Architech
chuqui at plaidworks.com -- http://www.plaidworks.com/chuqui/blog/

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