[Mailman-Users] Cc: to cc: weirdness

Erik S.E. Walum esew at smartmonkey.org
Tue Feb 11 02:31:54 CET 2003

We've recently upgraded to Mailman2.1 and have noticed that Mailman is
now changing our Cc: headers and doing some RFC 2822 non-compliant
business with them. The original header might be:

Cc: someuser at dom.ain, otheruser at dom.ain, lastuser at dom.ain

when the message comes through to the list, the header has been altered

cc: someuser at dom.ain
cc: otheruser at dom.ain
cc: lastuser at dom.ain

Can anyone help me out?
         Erik Walum 
personal <esew at smartmonkey.org>
  work      <esew at verio.net>

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