[Mailman-Users] Problem with bogus un-unsubscribable user

Jay Sekora jay at ccs.neu.edu
Fri Feb 21 23:40:00 CET 2003

Hi.  One of the list-admins at my site was testing the bulk-subscription
box under Mailman 2.1, and tried to subscribe an address that looked 
like (as he described it to me)

    f.bar at site.edu (Foo Bar)

but there must have been a tab in there because (according to 
mm_list_members) the address that actually got subscribed was

    f.bar at site.edu	foo

(all lowercase, no parentheses, but with a tab in the middle).  Now 
he can't unsubscribe that address via the web interface, and I can't 
unsubscribe it with remove_members.  Here's what I get (with the actual 
bits of the address changed for privacy's sake) when I try:

%  /priv/daemons/packages/mailman-2.1/mailman/bin/remove_members -f - com3351
f.bar at site.edu  foo			[typed with a tab; I've also tried
					sticking the address in a file and
					providing that]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/priv/daemons/packages/mailman-2.1/mailman/bin/remove_members", line 179, in ?
  File "/priv/daemons/packages/mailman-2.1/mailman/bin/remove_members", line 169, in main
  File "/priv/daemons/packages/mailman-2.1/mailman/Mailman/MailList.py", line 922, in ApprovedDeleteMember
  File "/priv/daemons/packages/mailman-2.1/mailman/Mailman/OldStyleMemberships.py", line 217, in removeMember
  File "/priv/daemons/packages/mailman-2.1/mailman/Mailman/OldStyleMemberships.py", line 113, in __assertIsMember
    raise Errors.NotAMemberError, member
Mailman.Errors.NotAMemberError: f.bar at site.edufoo

So evidently the tab is getting stripped out before remove_members 
tries to unsubscribe, but not getting stripped out before the CGI 
script adds the address (and it seems to have messed up parsing of 
the comment in parentheses).

So to make a long story short:

(1) I guess this is a bug report, and

(2) Can anybody tell me how I can remove this address by hand?  (I 
can mostly make sense of Python when I read it, but I don't know enough 
Python to pull the bad value out of the .pck file.)



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