[Mailman-Users] misfeature/bug in MM 2.1

Jeff A. Earickson jaearick at colby.edu
Wed Jan 15 20:12:18 CET 2003


   In my study of my mailing lists today (both new in MM 2.1,
and upgraded from 2.0.13), I made the sad discovery that

generic_nonmember_action = 0

for **all** of my lists.  The "bend over and take spam"
setting.  I noticed that DEFAULT_GENERIC_NONMEMBER_ACTION is
set to one in Mailman/Defaults.py, but I don't think this setting
works properly.  If it did work properly, I would argue that
the default should be 2 (reject), not 1 (hold for administrator).
Why should the list administrator be bothered with having to
tend admin requests from spammers and other idiots?

Jeff A. Earickson, Ph.D
Senior UNIX Sysadmin and Email Guru
Information Technology Services
Colby College, 4214 Mayflower Hill,
Waterville ME, 04901-8842
phone: 207-872-3659 (fax = 3076)

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