[Mailman-Users] Fiddling with pending messages

Marcin Owsiany marcin at owsiany.pl
Sat Jan 25 23:48:14 CET 2003

On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 04:30:40PM -0600, Jon Carnes wrote:
> It's in the FAQ's,
>  - delete the heldmsg-... files in ~mailman/data/..  (these are the actual
> messages)
>  - in version 2.1 simply delete the request.db file
> ~mailman/lists/<listname>/..
>    in version 2.0 copy a request.db from another list over the existing one
> (or simply run the web-admindb at that point and it will auto-sense that the
> heldmsg's have been deleted and then clean out the request.db file for you).

I just wasn't sure if the .db file wouldn't become corrupt after I
modify/delete the .txt files. But it seems OK.

thanks again,

Marcin Owsiany <marcin at owsiany.pl>              http://marcin.owsiany.pl/
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