[Mailman-Users] Configuration (virtual domains) doesn't work

Jos Elkink jelkink at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 9 19:10:19 CEST 2003


I'm a bit at a loss what is going wrong, especially because there is
nothing reported in any log files. When I send an email, the
mail/wrapper exits with 1, without any other info on what goes wrong,
and when I go to the webpages of my mailman, it tells me there's a bug
and I should look into the log files, which do not say anything.

Below is my mm_cfg.py file - is there anything wrong with it?

Note that the binaries with mailman work fine - e.g. I can create a list
or add members, using 'addlist' or 'addmembers', after setting the
DOMAIN environment variable.

The documentation of Exim 4, which is what I use, says that Exim does
set the DOMAIN variable. And a PHP script to read HTTP_HOST also works
fine. So those environment variables also should not be the problem. But
what then is? :)

What could be wrong?
And is there a way to have mailman report much more in the logs? Some
debug setting?

Any help would be very much appreciated!



#    Here's where we get the distributed defaults.    #

from Defaults import *

# Get domain-specific settings.                         #

import os
import string

def loadDomainDefaults ( name ):
        definition = ""
        module = '/var/mail/' + name + '/DomainDefaults.py'
        hFile = open ( module, "r" )
        for line in hFile.readlines():
                definition = definition + line
        definition = definition + "\n"
        exec definition in globals()

if os.environ.get('HTTP_HOST') :
        junk, domain = tuple(string.split(os.environ['HTTP_HOST'], '.',
elif os.environ.get('DOMAIN') :

# Put YOUR site-specific configuration below, in mm_cfg.py . #
# See Defaults.py for explanations of the values.            #

IMAGE_LOGOS       = '/doc/mailman/images/'

MAILMAN_OWNER     = 'mailman-owner@%s' % DEFAULT_HOST_NAME

PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL = '/pipermail'
PRIVATE_ARCHIVE_URL = '/cgi-bin/mailman/private'

LIST_DATA_DIR   = os.path.join(VAR_PREFIX, DEFAULT_HOST_NAME + '/lists')
LOG_DIR         = os.path.join(VAR_PREFIX, DEFAULT_HOST_NAME + '/logs')
LOCK_DIR        = os.path.join(VAR_PREFIX, DEFAULT_HOST_NAME + '/locks')
DATA_DIR        = os.path.join(VAR_PREFIX, DEFAULT_HOST_NAME + '/data')


A sample DomainDefaults.py would be:

# Domain specific defaults for Mailman. #

DEFAULT_HOST_NAME   = 'cantr.net'
DEFAULT_URL         = 'http://cantr.net/mailman/'


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