[Mailman-Users] mailmanctl / qrunner
David J. Duffner - NWCWEB.com
mmuserslist at nwcweb.com
Fri Jun 13 16:30:43 CEST 2003
Actually if you follow the INSTALL directions for
copying the script into the /etc/init.d or /etc/rc.d/init.d
directory (depending on machine/OS), once it's in there
you can also just (possibly sh) mailman start from that
But you are correct, I've found it must be started
manually the first time to get things in motion. Otherwise
it'll stack up in the queue files until the cows come
David J. Duffner
VP Operations
NWC Corporation - Global e-Pay Solutions
POSA terminals, Merchant Accounts, E-payment
solutions, Gift Cards and much more!
NWCWEB.com - Your design, hosting and e-
commerce solution! Featuring Miva Merchant
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>-----Original Message-----
>From: mailman-users-bounces+mmuserslist=nwcweb.com at python.org
>[mailto:mailman-users-bounces+mmuserslist=nwcweb.com at python.org]On
>Behalf Of Bausch, Jean
>Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 9:59 AM
>To: 'mailman-users at python.org'
>Subject: [Mailman-Users] mailmanctl / qrunner
>Yes, you have to start mailmanctl (it took me a while to
>find it, too).
>For a one-time-start it's enough to call
>bin/mailmanctl start
>in the mailman home directory.
>To have it started on each reboot you must include it in the
>/etc/init.d directory (or whatever it is called in RedHat).
>The INSTALL file in the directory where you unpacked your
>mailman describes this very well.
>Jean Bausch
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