[Mailman-Users] slashes in e-mail addresses
Christopher Kolar
ckolar at imsa.edu
Mon Jun 30 16:51:16 CEST 2003
At 05:36 AM 6/30/2003, Richard Barrett wrote:
>At 21:09 29/06/2003, Paul H Byerly wrote:
>> I have someone with a couple of slashes in their e-mail address
>> trying to join a list. Apparently this is non-standard but "allowed" by
>> some systems - with Mailman not being one of them.
>I would disagree that this is non-standard. My reading of section 3.2.5 of
>RFC 2822 says that a quoted string form of the local-part can contain a
>slash character (amongst others) so that "fred/smith/jnr"@some.domain
>should be valid if not that usual. It is not as if the form is an obsolete one.
>The address parsing by the functions in the email package handle an email
>address of the form "fred/smith/jnr"@some.domain without apparent problem.
There is an open ticket in the system for this:
The last time Barry commented he said that it is flagged for 3.0.
Christopher G. Kolar
Coordinator of Information and Technology Integration
Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
ckolar at imsa.edu --
<http://staff.imsa.edu/~ckolar>staff.imsa.edu/~ckolar -- PGP Public Key
ID: 0xC6492C72
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