[Mailman-Users] Updating Sendmail aliases

Richard Barrett r.barrett at openinfo.demon.co.uk
Mon Mar 24 09:19:42 CET 2003

At 05:35 24/03/2003, ghhalley wrote:
>In Mailman 2.1.1 install directory, there are instructions on how
>to do this in the README.SENDMAIL  Below is a copy of that info.
>     David Champion has contributed a recipe for more closely
>     integrating Sendmail and Mailman, such that Sendmail will
>     automatically recognize and deliver to new mailing lists as they
>     are created, without having to manually edit alias tables.
>     In the contrib directory, you will find four files
>     mm-handler.readme - an explanation of how to set everything up
>     mm-handler        - the mail delivery agent (MDA)
>     mailman.mc        - a toy configuration file sample
>     virtusertable     - a sample for RFC 2142 address exceptions
>Hope this is what you want,
>George Halley

You could also try this MM patch as an alternative to dgc's Perl 
implementation of a Sendmail mailer:


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