[Mailman-Users] "Uncaught bounce notification" for -admin addresses

Greg Westin python.org at gregwestin.com
Tue May 6 21:09:53 CEST 2003

Yes, that's exactly what I get.  One one list, there are two e-mail
addresses, listed like that, as admins, and both of them show up in
that manner when I run list_members.  On the other server, the mailman
list only has one owner, and list_members returns only that user's
e-mail address.  So on one server I get a list like:
python.org at gregwestin.com
jonc at nc.rr.com

And on the other I get a list like:
python.org at gregwestin.com

I hope that's clear.  I get exactly what is listed in the administrator
box on the admin page when I run this command.


On Tuesday, May 6, 2003, at 11:32  AM, Jon Carnes wrote:

> On Tue, 2003-05-06 at 10:49, Greg Westin wrote:
>>> Tell me what you get when you do a:
>>>   ~mailman/bin/list_members mailman
>> I get the address that is listed for the administrator of the mailman
>> list.
> Greg, what *exactly* do you get when you execute that above command?
> It should be a list of actual users like:
>   python.org at gregwestin.com
>   jonc at nc.rr.com
Contact info: http://www.gregwestin.com/contact.php

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