[Mailman-Users] DNS aliases and public mailing list page access
Bruno António
bantonio at di.fc.ul.pt
Fri May 23 16:00:21 CEST 2003
See the mail i sent yesterday with subject Problem with configuration,
It worked for me, maybe it will resolve you problem.
Brian Miller wrote:
>On Fri, 23 May 2003, Jean Berthold wrote:
>| Hello,
>| I added an DNS aliase for this machine name to avoid displaying the real
>| server name in the URL, which is vanuatu.
>| Nom : vanuatu.sila.local
>| Address:
>| Aliases: listsrv.sila.local
>| I would like to display the URL http://listsrv/mailman/listinfo
>| instead of http://vanuatu/mailman/listinfo
>| Have you an idea how to do that ?
>| If I try,
>| http://vanuatu/mailman/listinfo
>[snip - there are lists]
>| If I try:
>| http://listsrv/mailman/listinfo
>[snip - there are no lists]
>Had to do that yesterday for one of the systems I manage - I
>don't know if it's the blessed-by-the-creator method, but what
>I did was to add:
>in .../mailman/Mailman/mm_cfg.py
>See .../mailman/Mailman/Defaults.py for the pointer that led
>me to this.
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Bruno António,
Administração de Sistemas do Dep. de Informática da Fac. de Ciências da
Universidade de Lisboa,
Campo Grande Bloco C5 piso 1 sala 5.1.25B 1749-016 Lisboa - Portugal
Tel: +351 217500513 Fax: +351 217500084
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