[Mailman-Users] what did I do wrong?

Steve Ladendorf sladendorf at blakeschool.org
Thu Oct 2 18:32:44 CEST 2003

I just installed Mailman 2.1.3 in an effort to replace my existing
Majordomo/Majorcool list management system and I have obviously done
something wrong.  Installation went well, check_perms reports no problems
however when I try to send to my test list I see that sendmail accepts the
message and passes it to the mailman wrapper but then nothing happens.  A
check of the mailman log directory reports the following..  I did change
my real domain to mydomain.org so no that isn't the problem :-).

nothing in file.

Oct 02 11:08:13 2003 (1133) post to test from sladendorf at mydomain.org,
message-id=<fc.004c4b6b00d91d38004c4b6b00d91d38.d91e1c at mydomain.org>, 3

looks normal.

Oct 02 11:08:13 2003 (1133) All recipients refused: (2, 'No such file or
Oct 02 11:08:13 2003 (1133)
<fc.004c4b6b00d91d38004c4b6b00d91d38.d91e1c at mydomain.org> smtp for 3
recips, completed in 0.030 seconds

Oct 02 11:08:13 2003 (1133) delivery to sladendorf at mydomain.org failed
with code -1: ignore
Oct 02 11:08:13 2003 (1133) delivery to sselseth at mydomain.org failed with
code -1: ignore
Oct 02 11:08:13 2003 (1133) delivery to test02 at mydomain.org failed with
code -1: ignore

looks normal.

What file is the smtp log refering to?


Steve Ladendorf                                                           
    Network Manager
sladendorf at blakeschool.org                                        The
Blake School
"The only secure computer is one that's unplugged, locked in a safe,
and buried 20 feet under the ground in a secret location... and I'm
not even too sure about that one"
Dennis Huges, FBI.

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