[Mailman-Users] Re: Subscription form

Paul H Byerly paul at thcwd.com
Fri Oct 10 06:49:29 CEST 2003

Brandon Ballheim wrote:
>I understand the necessity for giving subscribers a password, but I'm
>worried that dealing with a configuration page might scare some of the less
>computer/internet literate off from using the list. Could I create a
>subscriber user interface that could be used for confirmation of the Mailman
>list that is simple (i.e. with out configuration features)?  I'm just
>creating a Announcement mailing list -- subscribers don't need to
>communicate with each other.

      I'd look at hacking the 'Welcome to the "foobar" list' e-mail.  If 
you don't show them the configuration page, they won't go there.  I've not 
dealt with that file, but as it's in templates it should be easy.  You will 
find the original in <prefix>/mailman/templates/en/subscribeack.txt  . Copy 
that to the en directory (you many have to create it) of the list ( 
<prefix>/mailman/lists/<LISTNAME>/en) and modify as needed.  Restart 
mailman, and away you go.

<>< Paul 

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