[Mailman-Users] sendmail

Kumar Prashant (Zero Touch) (UK) Prashant.Kumar at O2.COM
Fri Oct 10 12:01:09 CEST 2003

Hi People,

I have a question which has been asked again and again. I've gone 
through almost all of the mailing lists and faqs but couldn't get it 
working my way.

I want mail-2 to be a backup server for my mail-1. So I added priority 
MX records. The sendmail FAQ says that's all you have to do ( and of 
course allow relay). mail-2 should queue up all the messages when mail-1 
is down. It does NOT work and I get the infamous "mail loops back to me".

Now I add mailertable entry and everything starts working i.e mail-2 
queues for mail-1 when mail-1 is down. The thing is this mailertable 
makes my design pretty complicated and I don't want to use this feature. 
How can I get sendmail to queue without it?

Please anyone ..



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