[Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] How to remove X-Confirm-Reading requests from mail headers distributed by Mailman?

Shaun T. Erickson ste at smxy.org
Sun Apr 4 17:47:53 CEST 2004

Andrzej Kasperowicz wrote:

>>Past an early point an easy distinguishing factor is:
>>  Are you interested in it enough to write a patch?
>>  Are you interested in it enough to maintain a patch?
> To whom you address these questions?
> Why do you assume that everyone knows Python?
> I assist Mailman community as I can, i.e. by giving my advice and my 
> ideas how things could be improved.

So you'd rather tell people what to do, rather than do it yourself, 
because you might have to learn something? Hrmph.


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