[Mailman-Users] Can't find the mailman logs

Tom Trebisky tom at mmto.org
Sat Apr 10 03:38:38 CEST 2004

OK, I just fired up mailman on my system yesterday and began
hosting an experimental list.

(This is mailman-2.1.4 running on a Red Hat Fedora system).

One question I have yet to answer is, that when I look at
/var/mailman/logs - the directory is empty.  Do I need to
do something special to be getting mailman logs in here?
(or does this just mean everything is running smoothly??)

Akkk, forget it -- I just found the logs in
/var/logs/mailman (a lucky typo) -- never mind.....

but I will leave this post in case it is helpful to
somebody else since I have been baffled for most of
a day ...

Tom Trebisky
MMT Observatory
University of Arizona -- Tucson
tom at mmto.org

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