[Mailman-Users] Mailman don't deliver the mails

Daniel Eichelsbacher mingwa at gmx.de
Mon Apr 26 17:07:40 CEST 2004


i install mailman, but it's not working well. If i send a mail to a created
mailing-list i get the following error message back:

smrsh: "mailman" not available for sendmail programs (stat failed) 554 5.0.0
Service unavailable

I read the installation-file and make a link in etc/smrsh to my mailman
folder like this:

Ln /usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman

Now i get no error message back, but the mail isn't deliver! Can someone
help me?

The web-interface is okay and running check_perms there are also no errors.

Thanks for an help,

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