[Mailman-Users] Mystery with user_option URL

Allan Trick atrick at prin.edu
Sun Aug 29 16:18:19 CEST 2004

At 02:35 AM 8/29/2004, Jim Tittsler wrote:

>On Aug 29, 2004, at 13:45, Allan Trick wrote:
>>I set up a new list just now and the footer appears this way on this new 
>>    Changes to your subscription may be made by visiting 
>> %(user_optionsurl)s.  If you are on more than one such Principia mailing 
>> list, click "Change globally" to apply any changes you may make to all 
>> of your subscribed lists.
>>(It doesn't translate the user_option to a URL.)
>>It looks just the same on the list where it's NOT working.  What have I 
>>not done right to get that URL to show in the messages?
>Make sure you have set the 'personalize' option on the "Non-digest options 
>Section" of the list's adminstration page.  It must be set to 'Yes' or 
>'Full Personalization' to permit the user_optionsurl substitution.

I don't see that choice on the Non-digest Options page.  There are only 
three items on that page:
1.  The question:  Can subscribers choose to receive mail immediately, 
rather than in batched digests?
2.  Header added to mail sent to regular list members
3.  Footer added to mail sent to regular list members

However, I did add "VERP_PERSONALIZED_DELIVERIES = Yes" to my mm_cfg.py 
file and then I restarted Mailman.  Should that take care of it?

Am I missing something on the admin screen that the rest of you have?  (I'm 
running 2.1.5, by the way.)


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