[Mailman-Users] Sending user request using emails generated with php

Maciej Homziuk maciej.homziuk at cougarsoft.de
Fri Jul 30 19:13:15 CEST 2004

Dear list Members, 

I have a mailinglist, in which many participants have problems with simplests  
programs. That's why I decided to write a simple php script which would send the  
request emails (delivery on/off and password) to mailman. The user has only to fill  in 
the form (email, password and on/off radiobutton) and then to klick the send  button. 
The php sends an email to mailman (with appropriate request.  Unfortunatelly it 
doesn't work when I'm sending emails from php (although it  works, when I send the 
emails using my local email program). 

This is the raw view of the email that is being sent using php script: 

Return-path: <maciej.homziuk at cougarsoft.de> 
Envelope-to: maciej.homziuk at deutsche-versicherungsboerse.de 
Delivery-date: Fri, 30 Jul 2004 13:42:03 +0200 
Received: from [] (helo=light.dvbberlin.de) 
	by mxng16.kundenserver.de with esmtp (Exim 3.35 #1) 
	id 1BqVlz-0003Ym-00 
	for maciej.homziuk at deutsche-versicherungsboerse.de; Fri, 30 Jul 2004 
13:42:03 +0200 
Received: from [] (helo=infongd3280) 
	by light.dvbberlin.de with smtp (Exim 3.35 #1) 
	id 1BqVlz-0001yY-00 
	for maciej.homziuk at deutsche-versicherungsboerse.de; Fri, 30 Jul 2004 
13:42:03 +0200 
Received: from [](IP may be forged by CGI script) 
	by infongd3280.rtr.kundenserver.de with HTTP; Fri, 30 Jul 2004 13:42:03 
X-Sender-Info: 71251665 at infongd3280 
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2004 13:42:03 +0200 
Precedence: bulk 
To: maciej.homziuk at deutsche-versicherungsboerse.de 
Subject: password 
From: <maciej.homziuk at cougarsoft.de> 
Message-Id: <E1BqVlz-0001yY-00 at light.dvbberlin.de> 
X-PMFLAGS: 33554560 0 1 PIIQE6VO.CNM                         

and this is the raw view of email that is being sent using local email program: 

Return-path: <maciej.homziuk at cougarsoft.de> 
Envelope-to: maciej.homziuk at deutsche-versicherungsboerse.de 
Delivery-date: Fri, 30 Jul 2004 13:38:27 +0200 
Received: from [] (helo=mrelayng.kundenserver.de) 
	by mxng11.kundenserver.de with esmtp (Exim 3.35 #1) 
	id 1BqViU-0006gU-00 
	for maciej.homziuk at deutsche-versicherungsboerse.de; Fri, 30 Jul 2004 
13:38:26 +0200 
Received: from [] (helo=bziuna-rkwbv1cp) 
	by mrelayng.kundenserver.de with asmtp (Exim 3.35 #1) 
	id 1BqViU-00012D-00 
	for maciej.homziuk at deutsche-versicherungsboerse.de; Fri, 30 Jul 2004 
13:38:26 +0200 
From: "Maciej Homziuk" <maciej.homziuk at cougarsoft.de> 
To: maciej.homziuk at deutsche-versicherungsboerse.de 
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2004 13:44:28 +0200 
MIME-Version: 1.0 
Subject: password 
Message-ID: <410A50BC.19651.1118559 at localhost> 
Priority: normal 
X-mailer: Pegasus Mail for Windows (4.21c) 
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII 
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT 
Content-description: Mail message body 
X-Provags-ID: kundenserver.de abuse at kundenserver.de 
X-PMFLAGS: 34078848 0 1 PFWH0Q2N.CNM          

I checked the postfix logfiles and saw, that both emails reached the server, but  only 
the one sent using program made mailman sending answer. 

Can You tell me how can I solve that problem? 


Maciej Homziuk
Mahlower Str. 23
12049 Berlin
maciej.homziuk at deutsche-versicherungsboerse.de
Telefon: 030-78909042 Fax: 030-78909041

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