[Mailman-Users] Deleting Archives - Directory Missing

Jennifer Walker jwalker at falcin.com
Fri Jun 4 17:50:54 CEST 2004

I've read the FAQ and searched this list's archives.  I know that in order
to delete messages, I need to:

   - edit the archive mbox file
       remove the messages you want gone from the archives

Problem is, I do not have a mailman directory in my file manager, ftp, etc.

I can *see* the archives in a web browser if I remove the "archives" from
the above, and use mail.mydomain.com in place of the ~ - but I cannot access
the actual file to edit.  (I could do a view-source of the archives and edit
that, but where would I upload it?)  Does the ~ represent something else?

Jennifer Walker

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