[Mailman-Users] Using a Sendmail-style alias file to determine list recipients?

David Zeibin skip at gateway.ualberta.ca
Fri Jun 11 04:27:27 CEST 2004

Hello fellow Mailman users,

I'm running Mac OS X Server 10.3 with the default Mailman installation.
Everything is installed and running fine (as per OSX's nice GUI), but I was
wondering if it's possible to have Mailman read list recipients from
Sendmail-style alias files in a user-definable location. Or can I alter the
list of recipients from a custom-built script, for example. My problem right
now is that I cannot find the alias files that contain the list recipients.

I have found the aliases file in "/var/mailman/data/" but I just see my
mailing lists being sent to the mailman script at
"|/usr/share/mailman/mail/mailman post listnamehere"

After scanning through the FAQs and through the code for any 'post'-related
scripts I could find, I'm none the wiser as to where the recipients are
listed. (I don't know Python as well as I should.)

[The long story is that this organization wants a custom membership database
(accessible only to administrators) that I will be designing. The web
interface for the database will allow administrators to un/subscribe various
users from various mailing lists (which I basically want to just dump into
aptly named files - using PHP, for example - that Mailman will read and then
send to). So, if I can alter Mailman's lists from outside of Mailman's web
interface, I'm golden. Is this even possible?]

Any directions to online resources or any help you might offer is much
appreciated. Thank you very much in advance.

All the best,


David "Skip" Zeibin

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