[Mailman-Users] Email not being distributed...

jean at dancecentral.com.au jean at dancecentral.com.au
Tue Sep 21 14:32:52 CEST 2004


I created a small list of about 10 members to start and tested it for a couple of days... changing settings to make sure all goes the way It should.
Then I finished loading the email address and I have almost 5000.
I tried today to send my first newsletter and it looks like it's not being distributed (I know because I have several addresses that I own and that I keep checking).
I made sure the maximum kb per email was set high enough also the recipient filter is set to 10000 recipients..... so it should work just like when I sent the test emails to 10 people.

I spend several hours on this and cannot figure out why it isn't working...

Any ideas... ? 

Thanks .


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