[Mailman-Users] member_posting_only

kalin mintchev kalin at el.net
Wed Apr 20 00:17:12 CEST 2005

> On Apr 19, 2005, at 3:42 PM, kalin mintchev wrote:
>> right. but..  if they are not on the list they should not be approved - i
>> mean the posting is allowed ONLY to members (member_posting_only) so why
>> is mailman holding messages for approval that's not coming from members at
>> all?
> I would guess that the thinking was that since members often post from 
alternate addresses or aliases, in that case, a moderator can approve
the post and notify the member about the situation. This would be
preferable to the post being silently discarded, IMO. I don't remember
if it's a silent discard or if a rejection notice is sent to the poster
in 2.0.

thanks Dan. i disagree thought. i don't see how you'd recognize a member
of the list except by the email address. how'd you possibly know that the
email address that's in the From header on the message you are about to
approve belongs to one of that list's members if it's not on the list? ok
- unless the list is for your family members or closest friends and your
know all their alternative email addresses.... in 2.0 you can not even
relate names to addresses.

it just doesn't make any sense...  i mean it says 'member_posting_ONLY'

> Dan


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