[Mailman-Users] mailman

R. S. grottolapluie at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 21 02:11:01 CEST 2005

Forgive me if I seem a little dense. I would like to use mailman with a very pretty form on my website. Is there any way to make a php or cgi form work with mailman. In other words, i would like someone on my site to fill out a form, and it will put their name in the mailman list and generate an email that will go to them and then they can log in and confirm the email sign up. I think the mailman script is a wonderful thing and puts the power of the list in the individuals hand. One more thing, is that I do not want anyone whatsoever to mail to this list except the administrator. Can the information be modified on the user screen in order to only allow them to change their individual settings or unsubscribe. Or better yet, is there a script that can be written or available that will do all this directly from the pretty web page that I will design, where they never have to log into the mailman screen. In other words they can't see the "backend" of the mail list, or even know that they
 could try to mail to the list. Let me know if something is available or can be written. Thank You
r. Silva

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