[Mailman-Users] Modified postfix-to-mailman.py including VERP
Jens Benecke
jens at spamfreemail.de
Sun Aug 7 15:34:51 CEST 2005
Jens Benecke wrote:
> - Did I open any new pitfalls with the below configuration? How about
> bounce detection and VERP?
To answer myself: bounce detection seems to work OK as long as mail servers
use "550" erros at the SMTP level and don't accept and then bounce the
mail. VERP seems to work with this patch to postfix-to-mailman.py:
--- /usr/share/mailman/postfix-to-mailman.py 2005-04-14
16:18:38.000000000 +0200
+++ /etc/mailman/postfix-to-mailman.py 2005-08-07 15:27:01.000000000 +0200
@@ -116,6 +116,15 @@
# Assume normal posting to a mailing list
mlist, func = local, 'post'
+ # !-! enable VERP delivery -- Jens Benecke, jens-syscp at
spamfreemail.de, 2005-08-06
+ import re
+ ro = re.match('(?P<mlist>.*?)-(?P<func>(bounces
confirm))\+(?P<verpstr>.*)', local)
+ if ro:
+ mlist = ro.group('mlist')
+ verpstr = ro.group('verpstr')
+ func = ro.group('func')
+ # !-! end
# Check for control extension on local part
for ext in ('-admin',
This assumes that Mailman extracts the Return-Path and VERP code from within
the email and does not need the VERP code on the command line. I haven't
found any API description of how mailman handles this internally,
Thanks to Jim7J1AJH on #mailman for a lot of Python and regexp help. :-)
Jens Benecke (jens at spamfreemail.de)
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