[Mailman-Users] FreeBSD Postfix2.0 Virtual Domains adding mailman

Elijah Savage esavage at digitalrage.org
Sat Dec 17 19:04:05 CET 2005


I have read through the mailing list and found this thread
But I am stil a little confused about integrating all this. Postfix has 
been up and running for a long time with virtual domains setup, now I 
want a mailing list for one of these virtual domains. Below you will 
find relevant pieces of my config files. I have not started anything but 
I know it is not setup right so I just want some help getting started, I 
am converting from majordomo which was very easy for me to setup but I 
am a first time user of mailman. If anyone would give me some tips on 
editing the files to get this up and going I would appreciate it. When I 
installed mailman it was from ports and I did install it with mail_gid = 
mailman. The mm_cfg.py is really what has me confused on how it should 
look, it is just the deafult I found in the archives right now.

How I do my virtual hosting with postfix
virtual_alias_domains = xxxxx.com
virtual_alias_maps = hash:/usr/local/etc/postfix/virtual

#virtual domain users to local mailboxes
xxxxx at xxxxx.com   xxxxx at localhost

# because otherwise the default mappings won't be correct.
DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'virtualdomain.com'
DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'www.mainsite.com'
DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'http://%s/mailman/'

# Virtual domains

# Set up your virtual host mappings here.  This is primarily used for the
# thru-the-web list creation, so its effects are currently fairly limited.
# Use add_virtualhost() call to add new mappings.  The keys are strings as
# determined by Utils.get_domain(), the values are as appropriate for

# When set to Yes, the listinfo and admin overviews of lists on the machine
# will be confined to only those lists whose web_page_url configuration 
# host is included within the URL by which the page is visited - only those
# "on the virtual host".  When set to No, all advertised (i.e. public) lists
# are included in the overview.

# Put YOUR site-specific settings below this line.
MTA = 'Postfix'
POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS = ['virt-domain.com', 'virt.domain2.com']
add_virtualhost('www.virt.domain.com', 'virt.domain.com')

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