[Mailman-Users] Non members to view archives selectively?

Carl Zwanzig cpz at tuunq.com
Fri Feb 18 18:45:22 CET 2005

In a flurry of recycled electrons, Anne Shroeder - Internet Society wrote:

> My boss wants me to give selective access to our archives.  That is,
> they are not supposed to be public, but she wants some selected
> individuals to be able to view the archives without the ability to post
> to the list (or change their membership information).
> Obviously I can subscribe someone to the list and make the "no mail" but
> once they are subscribed and have a login, they can easily change their
> subscription to receive mail.  I honestly don't see any way around this,
> but thought I would ask anyhow.

Make them "no mail" and "moderated". Of course, if they have archive 
access, it shouldn't matter whether of not they actually receive email. 
OTOH, the no-mail flag tells you if it was set by the user or the admin
(or by excessive bounces). They can't change the moderated flag at all.


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