[Mailman-Users] Mailmain Error

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Mon Jun 6 20:55:16 CEST 2005

David Hwang wrote:

>Working these bugs through their logical conclusion....
>I got the home directory problem fixed, but now I'm getting these errors. 
>Any hints?
>Job /usr/bin/python -S /usr/lib/mailman/cron/disabled terminated (exit 
>status: 1) (mailing output)
>Job /usr/bin/python -S /usr/lib/mailman/cron/senddigests terminated (exit 
>status: 1) (mailing output)

Is there anything in Mailman's error log about these?

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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